By: Catrina Leone, Intern
Let me ask you a question, what do you think of when you think ‘Cleveland’? Is it the various amounts of amazing restaurants, the wonderful scenes downtown, the wonderful people, the great entertainment, or all of the above? If you picked the last choice, you’re 100% correct. It is all of these things that attract people to Cleveland. Simply put, Cleveland is the BEST. So why not do what Cleveland does best and celebrate with the 2013 Best of Cleveland Party! I will be breaking down the winners and the highlights, although for the sake of your eyes and mine, I will not go into too much detail, since there is 70 recognized venders. This is the 8th annual Best of Cleveland Party, the first one being held in 2005. There would be no better place to hold this event than Cleveland’s Public Auditorium, the iconic home to fellow TV20 as well. (We don’t want to forget that important detail) Along with the many venders being recognized, we also have the Text to Pledge campaign taking off. The Breakthrough Schools of Cleveland were this year’s beneficiary, which are the highest rated network of public charter schools in Ohio. Before we get to the fun part, I would just like to thank everyone who helped make this the memorable event that it always is, it is greatly appreciated! Now, let’s get your mouth-watering with some of the food venders who won this year!
Where is your favorite place to eat? Do you even have a favorite? That is a tough question with so many outstanding choices within the Cleveland area. Among the winners we have, Angelo’s Pizza, B Spot, Cleveland Culinary Launch and Kitchen, Jack Frost Donuts (Who would I be if I didn’t include that?) LaBella Cupcakes, La Dolce Vita, Main Street Cupcakes, Mitchell’s Homemade Ice Cream, Pier W, Scott’s Fire and Ice, Shinto, etc. I might not have named your favorite, don’t you worry though, TV20 will be showcasing more of this event, so stay tuned!
How many people out there love to unwind after a long work day at a local bar? Are you a cocktail or wine person? I’m more of the tea drinker myself, but I have to pay tribute to the bars that were the BEST this year. Bar 145, Barrio, B side Liquor Lounge and Arcade, B Spot (again), Cleveland Brew Shop, The Dark Room Bar, Pier W, Rozi’s Wine House (I couldn’t leave you wine fans out), Society Lounge, The Treehouse, and Wine Bar Rocky River. I don’t know about you, but all this talk of food and restaurants is making me want to forget all I am doing today and feast on cupcakes. unfortunately though, life doesn’t work that way. Hey, there’s always after work, Happy Hour:)

Next, we are moving on to the Editors’ Picks, get those taste buds and brains ready! Auts Tipse Treats, Gray House Pies, Town Hall, Cleveland Museum of Art, The Gourmet Soap Market, Stone Mad Pub, Sweet Moses Soda Fountain and Treat Shop, Cle Clothing Co., Society Lounge, Labella Cupcakes, Ken Stewart’s East Bank, The Greenhouse Tavern, Cleveland Flea, Stonetown, Beal’s Pickles N Pints, Real Frut, West Side Market, Cleveland Brew Shop, Dark Room Bar, The Lighthouse and Whaler, Play-Haus Design, Cleveland Culinary Launch and Kitchen, Rib Cage Bar and Grill’s Stupid Fries, (stupid meaning good of course) Soffiab, American Toy Marble museum, Scott’s Fire and Ice Catering, Stash Style, Seaworthi, Bar 145, Hollo’s Papercraft, Cleveland Cycle Tours, Helvetic Juice Bar and Cafe, Republic of Cute, Superelectric Pinball Parlor, Tremont Scoops, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, Brews and Prose, Record Den, Bad Racket Recording Studio, Sterle’s Country House, Faction, Space: Rock, Blastmaster, Nano Brew, Mason’s Creamery, Rust Belt Monster Collective, Rogue Eyewear, Carol and John’s Comic Book Shop, Katz Club Diner, Barrio, Radioactive, West 76th Street Tunnels, Cork and Cleaver Social Kitchen, B Side Liquor Lounge, Simpler Times Vintage Bicycle Gallery.

That was a lot to take in, I’m sure. Don’t let it overwhelm you, this is for your benefit! Cleveland has so much to offer, there were places I didn’t even know existed until I read into this event. Which is why I posted the majority of them for you all to see. Whatever helps you, that is my job after all! Among the winners for personalities and entertainment was Browns Player Joe Haden (sorry Weeden), Cavs player Kyrie Irving (insert Lebron joke here) Indians player Nick Swisher, Morning News Team Fox 8, and Team Mascot Slider, just to name a few. I really have enjoyed researching more into this event and getting the information out there. I hope to see my fellow cupcake lovers at LaBella’s Cupcakes, my fellow wine lovers (when I turn 21) at Wine Bar, my fellow fashionistas at Stash Style and for anyone else who loves peanut butter and bananas as much as me, I’ll see you at Helvetic Juice!
Until the 2014 Best of Cleveland Party, stay tuned to TV20 for the latest news and footage of this wonderful event, and stay tuned for the day I can blog about the Browns winning the Superbowl (I can dream can’t I?)