TV20 News – Week 11/02/21

Welcome back to TV20 News for the week of November 2nd, 2021. This week: murals, pets, and Hispanic heritage!

More Alike than Different Mural Unveiling

After 7 months in the making, the More Alike Than Different mural was unveiled on Cleveland’s Down Syndrome Day.

CMSD Website

If you want to be in the know on anything and everything going on in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, then there is only one place you can go: the CMSD website. 

Hispanic Heritage Month Closing Ceremony

Live music and the smell of delicious cuisine filled the rotunda of Cleveland City Hall as Hispanic Heritage month came to a close.

Cleveland Public Library Resource Closet

The Cleveland Public Library and MyCom have collaborated to provide the tools needed to build confidence and meet basic needs of our community with their new resource closet.

Free Tax Prep

The Cuyahoga EITC Coalition is now accepting appointments for FREE tax preparation. 

Drug Court Graduation

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame hosted a graduation recently, with the graduates facing a new, better and sober life.

Cleveland Achieves LEED Silver Certification

The City of Cleveland announced that it has achieved LEED Silver certification for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions aimed at improving sustainability and the standard of living for residents.

Neighborhood Pets

It was a celebration in Slavic Village as non-profit Neighborhood Pets celebrated their 5th anniversary.