Is Your Car Prepared for Winter?

Here are some safety tips to consider before you decide to drive during extremely cold weather:

Before extreme cold weather hits you should winterize your vehicle by checking or have a mechanic check the following:

  •  Antifreeze levels – ensure they are sufficient to avoid freezing.
  • Brakes – check the pads for wear and that the fluid level is correct.
  • Fuel and air filters – replace and keep water out of the system by using additives and maintaining a full tank of gas. A full tank will help keep the fuel line from freezing.
  • Wiper Blades – as a rule of thumb you should change your wiper blades every six months. And, top off your wiper fluid at least once a week.
  •  Lights and flashing hazard lights – check for serviceability.

In addition…

1. When you travel by vehicle in severely cold weather dress appropriately.
3. When traffic lights are not working at an intersection treat it as a four way stop and yield to the right of way.
4. If you are stuck in your vehicle during extremely cold weather remember there is a potential for carbon monoxide poisoning if you run your engine to stay warm – make sure you have good ventilation.
5. Have a certified mechanic check your vehicle fluids and mechanical functions before sever weather hits.

Watch the short Bottom Line Up Front video below for more information on how to winterize your vehicle, and remember to subscribe to our Blog and YouTube channel to receive regular information, updates, and reports on whats happening in Cleveland.

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