Free Mobile Food Pantries

Times are tough these days and it seem everything is getting more and more expensive; especially food. Right now, households receiving SNAP assistance are noticing a dramatic decrease in their benefit amounts; as much as $95 dollars a month or more. The City of Cleveland is here to help. Thanks to a partnership with the Cleveland Food Bank and the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, five mobile food pantries have been launched to distribute food to those who need it most. Free groceries will be available at the Collinwood and Michael Zone Neighborhood Resource and Recreation Centers along with the Boys and Girls Club at E. 59th and Haltnorth Ave.

Beginning April 11th, Cleveland will launch another Mobile Food Pantry at the J. Glen Smith Health Center and on April 19th at the Thomas McCafferty Health Center. Please call 216-738-2067 for dates and times of operation of Cleveland’s Mobile Food Pantries.

Cleveland’s mobile food pantries will operate in addition to the Cleveland Food Bank’s Mini lot drive thru distribution program and other existing food pantries across the city.