Do you have an idea to improve your community? Are there issues you wish to address, whether they be safety, creativity, or health related? Accelerate wants to hear your idea!
Accelerate is a pitch competition being held across Northeast Ohio, giving individuals a chance to receive a monetary prize to put towards improving their community. There are six different categories pitch ideas can be entered into: Authentic Cleveland Experience, Community Change, Economic & Workforce Development, Educating for Tomorrow, Health & Wellness, and Quality of Life. 30 finalists will pitch to a panel of judges for a grand prize of $5,000 with 4 runner-ups receiving $2,000. You can learn about last years finalists, along with their ideas at
Pitches are being accepted until November 30th for the 2019 Accelerate conference, and can be submitted directly at
If you have questions or wish to learn more, email Nicole Boyd at or call (216) 592-2289.