After reducing operations due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Cleveland Municipal court began resuming functions on June 15th.
Members of the public are welcome to enter the Justice Center through the Ontario Court entrance, where they will be screened for temperature and COVID-19 related questions before being allowed entrance. Face coverings must be worn throughout the Justice Center. Anyone arriving without a face covering will be provided one.
However, the fourth floor cafeteria and patio will remain closed, and restrooms will be limited to one person at a time. Additionally, children will not be permitted on the courtroom floors, and it is strongly advised they are kept outside the Justice Center with another caregiver adult.
Currently, the Cleveland Municipal Courts are hearing misdemeanor cases. Arraignments will be held on the third floor of the Justice Center, in Courtrooms 3B, 3C, & 3D.
At this time, any misdemeanor arraignments including operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI) are strongly encouraged to send in a Not Guilty waiver to avoid coming down to the Justice Center. That form can be accessed here: Any follow-up hearings will be held via Zoom.
For any questions, please contact Ed Ferenc, Public Information Officer
Phone: 216-789-2597