On the latest episode of Community Spotlight we discuss the ASPIRE Nurse Scholars Program with Daria Sheafe, the Nurse Education Program Coordinator at the Cleveland Clinic.
ASPIRE is a 12 week program that offers instruction to high school juniors to develop their understanding of a career in nursing. Upon completing the program participants will receive a $500 monetary stipend, and select participants will be invited to return for a second year to mentor new students. Returning seniors will also have an opportunity to earn a full scholarship at Cuyahoga Community College to complete their RN degree.
Student Eligibility Criteria
- Enrolled in the 11th grade during the 2017/2018 academic year
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale (as demonstrated by an official transcript)
- Ability to attend all 12 Saturday sessions
Application Deadline: October 20, 2017
All applicants will be notified by email in a timely manner and provided next steps in the process. Cleveland Clinic will make the final selections based upon the strength of the student’s entire application including GPA, transcript, written essay, letters of reference, and interview. Cleveland Clinic reserves the right to reject any application. Apply online at clevelandclinic.org/ASPIREĀ
For more information contact:
Daria Sheafe, MSN, RN
Program Coordinator