Head To Toe Fashion Show!














This past Friday at Cleveland’s City Hall, The City of Cleveland, Style Your Leggs and Uniquely Niyia hosted the ” An Exclusive Fashion Showcase of Cleveland Talent from Head to Toe.” The event featured Cleveland designers D Hayes and Anton Zbarch, Dru Christine, Je’von Terance and Jonathan Anderson. When I spoke with design team D Hayes and Anton Zbarch they let us know about their latest project- a clothing studio right in Ohio City!

Jevon Terrence
Anton Zbarch with reporter Leah Haslage















Also participating in the event were hair stylists from Dino Palmeri, GLAM, So Kinky, So Curly, So Straight and The Heiress Effect, as well as make-up artists Monica Smith, A New Prototype, Robyn Jackson and Jason Kelly.

Stylist Amy Szilagyi
Make-up Artist Jason Kelly












For more information on the designers check out fashionablycleveland.com, styleyourleggs.com and of course you can check out my exclusive coverage of the Head To Toe Fashion Show on TV20!!
