Public Square Reopening Update

This week, Chief Darnell Brown,  Chief Calvin Williams, and Commander Harold Pretel held a press conference regarding the current state on reopening Public Square.

By Alexander Pikturna

As many Clevelander’s may know, Public Square has yet to reach full operational status since it’s grand opening early last year. The stretch of Superior Avenue that runs through Public Square has remained blocked off to any traffic. The City of Cleveland and the RTA ( Regional Transit Authority) have been working closely to determine the impact of reopening Public Square. What prompted the sudden press conference was an “executive summary” released by the RTA, who have been conducting studies on the matter.

Heavy emphasis has been placed on both the financial impact and threat analysis, with Chief Calvin Williams and Commander Harold Pretel citing vehicular based attacks as one of their top security concerns.  The RTA’s study is set to be shared with the City this Friday, their press release earlier this week bullet-points that they believe it is the responsibilities of all parties involved to determine the best resolution for security concerns.

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