TV20 New – Week of 11/09/21

Welcome back to TV20 News for the week of November 9th, 2021! This week: bands, haunted houses, and groundbreaking ceremonies.

Woodhill Homes Ground Breaking

Ground was recently broken for the new Woodhill Homes public housing complex, and TV20 Cameras were there.

CMSD Website

If you want to be in the know on anything and everything going on in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, then there is only one place you can go: the CMSD website.

Battle of the Land

Cleveland’s newest music competition at Tower City concluded with a spectacular finale, featuring four finalist that really rocked the house.

Free Tax Prep

The Cuyahoga EITC Coalition is now accepting appointments for FREE tax preparation. 

Cudell Fine Arts Haunted House

Viewer beware! TV20 took a trip to the Cudell Fine Arts Center to explore their yearly haunted house.