TV20 News: Week of 4/8/19

Fire Memorial Re-Dedication (0:58)

The restoration of the figures on the Cleveland Firefighter’s Memorial has been completed and installed. A crowd gathered together as a wreath was placed and the brave souls whose names adorn the plaque were remembered. 

WHM – Women in Government & Law (2:40)

The City of Cleveland Women’s History Month Committee honored two distinguished local leaders at their “Women in Governance and Law” Celebration. Dr. Betty Pinkney and Judge Jazmin Torres-Lugo were given awards and proclamations in recognition of their significant contributions to our community.

NTI Retail Incubator Final Pitch Event (4:33)

Nine local entrepreneurs pitched their business ideas at the Neighborhood Transformation Initiative Retail Incubator Competition at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. For the entrepreneurs, this is helping not only the community, but their life long goals.

Dr. Modlin Health Fair (7:05)

The 2019 Cleveland Clinic Minority Men’s Health Fair is taking place on April 11th. The Health Fair, which is open to all members of the public, is a chance for men to get free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose and more. Men will also have an opportunity to meet with a urologist for a one-on-one prostate education session, then have a free PSA, or Prostate-Specific Antigen, screening.

Lunch & Learn (9:13)

The rotunda of Cleveland City Hall was turned into a kitchen to help people understand the benefits of cooking and eating healthy. Chef Tiwanna Scott Williams, Owner of Pearl Flower Catering, ran the cooking demo during one of Cleveland’s “Lunch and Learn” seminars. 

In Demand Jobs Week- Dominion Energy (11:24)

For Clevelanders looking for a job, there are many resources to help you out; and one of them is right in downtown Cleveland. The place is called Ohio Means Jobs Cleveland-Cuyahoga and it’s located off Carnegie Avenue. 

Ohio Means Jobs- Orlando Baking (12:30)

The Ohio Means Jobs facility in downtown Cleveland welcomed the Orlando Baking Company’s HR Manager Lee Herman who spoke about what it’s like working for the bread company to a room full of interested job seekers.

Ohio Means Jobs- Great Lakes Trucking School (14:20)

As a part of its “In Demand Jobs Week”, the Ohio Means Jobs facility in downtown Cleveland welcomed the Great Lakes Truck Driving School to talk to job seekers about the need for truck drivers of all kinds.

Ohio Means Jobs- Southwest Hospital (16:20)

The Ohio Means Jobs facility in downtown Cleveland welcomed Southwest General Hospital’s Employee Relations Specialist Judy Berry, who spoke about what it’s like working for the hospital to a room full of interested job seekers.

In Demand Jobs Week- Tri C (18:25)

To wrap up In Demand Job Week, Ohio Means Jobs hosted their second annual Job Match Day at Tri-C’s Manufacturing Technology Center on Woodland Avenue. Job seekers had a chance to learn about opportunities available to them by speaking to a representative at any of the 50 companies and organizations on hand.

MOCA 50th Celebration (21:30)

The Museum of Contemporary Art at the corner of Euclid and Mayfield is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. TV20 Special Correspondent Errol Porter was on hand for the big celebration which included some even bigger announcements.

Amazing Butterflies (25:10)

The Cleveland Botanical Gardens are all a flutter for Spring with their new exhibit- Amazing Butterflies! Director of Exhibits and Experiences for the Gardens, Peg Weir, lets us in on what we can expect from the interactive displays.