Another week has passed in Cleveland, with many new and exciting stories to share! Take a look at a few of the stories that are featured in our Weekly-News-Wrap-Up this week!
U.S.S. Cod Dedication Ceremony
The U.S.S. Cod Dedication Ceremony took place to celebrate Veteran’s Day, by honoring men and woman who have risked their lives in the service. A small group of Veterans, Community Members, and other City Officials gathered for a remembrance ceremony to unveil a new tablet!

Councilman Joe Cimperman expressed his gratitude for those who have risked their lives and continue to risk their lives daily for our freedom. He also presented a survivor of Pearl Harbor with a Proclamation.
The 10th Annual “Carving Out Hunger” at the Foodbank
The 10th Annual Carving out Hunger Program is sponsored by the Charter One Foundation. This yearly event took place at the Cleveland Food Bank and was a great way to get volunteers involved to help make food for those in need this Holiday Season.
It was my first time personally at the Foodbank and I had such a great time. I am considering becoming a volunteer myself as a way to give back to those who need it most! We spoke with President of the Charter One Foundation, Joseph DiRocco on the importance of volunteering and how the partnership with the Foodbank has helped improve the Community.
Albanian Artist and Dedication
A Public Exhibition of Artist Fate Velaj, presented by the Cleveland City Council, was held at the City Hall Rotunda. The Event showcased the Artist’s photographic exhibit, “Albania Seen Differently.” along with a distinguished group of Delegates.
The purpose of showcasing this was to help Clevelanders get a deeper insight into the Albanian culture, and what it can offer to our City. The event then moved to the City Council Chambers, where Council Members and the Albania Delegation met to present Fate Velaj with his Resolution of Welcome.
Stem School Students Meet With Mayor Jackson
Young men and woman who are involved in the Stem Research Program right here in Cleveland, got the Opportunity to meet with Mayor Frank Jackson to discuss what their plans are for the future!
This gave these students the chance to express their joy and gratitude for their chosen field! Congratulations to all of you!
For more stories happening in Cleveland, make sure to watch our Weekly-News-Wrap-Up at 7:00a.m, 12:00p.m., and 6:00p.m.! TV20: We Are Cleveland: Where you get the whole story!