Cleveland State Vikings Basketball!


                            Join the CSU community for our official tip off to the 2012-13 basketball season! 


                                                                                                      October 13th, 2012

In conjunction with Homecoming Weekend, Viking Madness is a tradition here at CSU and we want YOU to be a part of that tradition and help kick off the 2012-13 basketball season in style!

Homecoming Parade & Tailgate Party— 5:00pm

Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and all Green and White supporters are invited to watch as our athletic teams and student organizations show their CSU pride.  Upon arriving at the Wolstein Center we will be celebrating in style with food, games, entertainment, and much more!  The festivities are fun for the whole family and will kickoff Basketball Viking Madness!

Viking Madness—6:30pm

Get a sneak peak at the 2012-13 men’s basketball squad and plan on an evening of fun and excitement followed by live entertainment from Boys Like Girls & The All-American

Rejects.  This event is free to all! (Concert portion of event is free to CSU

students, faculty & staff. (General public concert tickets are $15 and are available at beginning

September 20 at 10:00 a.m. For more information, call 216.687.9292)

The Inside Sports Report host Christian Patterson will be out to cover this great event! We hope to see you there, and as always stay tunes to TV20 Cleveland for Christian’s full report!