Cleveland Fire Looks Forward To Hiring New Generation of Firefighters

By: Catrina Leone: Intern




Are you looking for a way to help the community? Are you interested in public safety? Look no further! The Cleveland Division of Fire is recruiting individuals interested in this career of public safety. Applications for this position of Firefighter are anticipated to be available in 2014. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their information now to be absolutely sure they are contacted with dates and times for applying.

Applicants must obtain and submit their application during the designated filling period and also pass a Civil Service Entrance Exam. This new generation of Cleveland Firefighters will be trained fire, rescue, and emergency medical service as the City of Cleveland works towards integrating the Divisions of Fire and EMS. If you feel like this might be a career path for you, the Division of Fire is committed to hiring dedicated individuals reflective of the diverse community they will be serving. All eligible candidates are greatly encouraged to apply!

The Cleveland Department of Public Safety strives to meet its objectives by providing effective service, establishing public trust through the development of strong partnerships within the community, and by focusing on public safety and improving the quality of life in Cleveland neighborhoods.  Some information on what happens once you become a recruit: new recruits spend over three months at the Fire Training Academy learning about fire behavior and training with tools and equipment used daily by firefighters. Training includes all aspects of fireground operations, apparatus operation and maintenance, rescue, building construction, and required state and federal courses. It also includes a 130-hour course in emergency medical care which certifies new recruits as Basic Emergency Medical Technicians. Classes are held days and evenings, including weekends. Since firefighters are required to work in all types of weather conditions, training is not affected by weather, even the most severe.

If you are interested and want to put your skills to great use, you can contact the Division of Fire Recruitment Office at 216-664-6388. More information is also available on the City of Cleveland’s website. Don’t miss this opportunity to help the community. If being a firefighter is your dream, your dream can start today! As always, stay tuned to TV20 for more information on what is happening here in Cleveland.






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