Cleveland Green Homes 3 Has Officially Opened

by Keith L. Feagin, intern

October 17 2013- Sebert Avenue, Cleveland– Many people in the Cleveland are struggling with available affordable housing and the rising cost of heating and cooling in their homes. However a new project has been launched that will allow some local residents fiscal relief in this area.  Cleveland Green Homes 3 has being officially opened and Mayor Jackson was in attendance to participate in the official ribbon cutting ceremony. These homes have been constructed with the functionality that will allow for residents to be able to have affordable living space, along with a reduction in the amount of money that would be required to heat and cool the home. These homes will also be environmentally friendly in which consequently will reduce the total impact that most home have on the natural resources that are being extracted from the community. These homes are being targeted for the elderly and the disabled members of the community for convenient and affordable living. This is truly one of the most important developments in the Cleveland area and will stand to have a decisively positive impact on our community for years to come.

Photo Credit: William C. Rieter


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