Sisterhood’s Anti-Bullying Campaign

To order an Anti-Bully T-Shirt call 216-771-7297 ext.315
To order an Anti-Bully T-Shirt call 216-771-7297 ext.315


Yesterday the Sisterhood (in conjunction with Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio) held an Anti-Bullying Campaign at the West Side Community House in Cleveland.

The young girls, on a mission to show the effects of bullying, came out with blindfolds on to represent the people who see bullying happen but do nothing about it, a fake black eye to show how words hurt, and positive words to show encouragement. The girls were also wearing one of three t-shirts that they helped design that are also for sale to the public.

It was impressive and uplifting to see these young girls empowering not only each other, but reaching out to the public as well. Miss Allison McClain is doing a wonderful job with the girls and is a great role model for them.

For more on this event, including my interview with some of the girls that were involved, tune in to TV20’s Weekly News Wrap-Up the week of March 18th!