TV20 Sports – 2019 Football

Welcome back TV20 Sports fan! We’ve wrapped up another successful season of championship and all-star football! If you missed any games, we’ll have all of them listed down below!

To learn more about the Cleveland Municipal Football League, you can visit their website:

Junior Championship

Junior Division is composed of kids ages 9 to 11. Max weight of this division is 145 lbs.

Termite Championship

Termite Division is composed of kids ages 6 to 7. There is no weight limit for this division.

Pee Wee Championship

Pee Wee is composed of kids ages 10 to 11. There is no weight limit for this division.

Bantam Championship

Bantam Division is composed of kids ages 12 to 14. Max weight of this division is 180 lbs.

Junior All-Star

Pee Wee All-Star

Bantam All-Star