Weekly-News-Wrap-Up- February 2nd

Another week has passed in Cleveland you know TV20 has you covered with the latest. Check out a few of the top stories that made it into our Weekly-News-Wrap-Up this week!

Year of Clean Water Kick-Off

The “Year of Clean Water Kick-Off” was held at the City Hall Rotunda to help inform Clevelanders about how they can become further involved in the Sustainable Cleveland 2019 Initiative, and what it will help bring to our City.

clean water

Members from local organizations spoke to us about how their groups are planning to make a difference. For more information on Sustainable Cleveland 2019 and The Year of Clean Water, you can visit: http://www.sustainablecleveland.org

Juvenile Class Diversion Press Conference

A Press Conference was held at the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court to announce a major innovation on the diversion and charging decisions of juvenile cases in our Community, with the signing of a memorandum of understanding.

First Assistant County Prosecutor Duane Deskins touched more on the value of what this ideal partnership means for our City in the long haul.

Homeless Stand Down

The 2015 Homeless Stand Down was held at Cleveland Public Auditorium. Over 1,300 people, including Veterans, attended the event which provided free services and amenities such as food, medical screenings, haircuts and winter clothes to those facing poverty and homelessness.  If you would like to donate to the stand down or volunteer with one of the 200 Cleveland Organizations that get involved, you can call 216-432-9390 or visit their website at:http://www.handsonneo.org

homeless stand down

35th Annual MLK Jr. Concert

The 35th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Concert with the Cleveland Orchestra was held at Severance Hall to pay homage to the late Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. and to celebrate those following in his legacy and works. Mayor Frank Jackson presented awards to 4 individuals who have embraced the movement left behind by Doctor King.

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Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish spoke at the concert about the importance of honoring Martin Luther King Day and how Clevelanders will continue to do so for years to come.

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As we continue through February, there will be plenty of new events on the horizon, especially with it being Black History Month. Make sure to stay tuned to TV20 for the latest on that and for our Weekly-News-Wrap-Up airing Mondays-Fridays at 7:00a.m, 12:00p.m. and 6:00p.m.