Weekly Schedule May 18th, 2015

There are always many fun events to do right here in Cleveland and you can check out some of those in our Weekly-News-Wrap-Up Video and schedule below:

7:00a.m., 12:00p.m., & 6:00p.m.

Weekly News Wrap Up


A Press Conference was recently held by Police Chief Calvin Williams and other City Officials to discuss updates on the suspect arrested for the November 2014 quintuple homicide on the city’s east side.


The City of Cleveland has partnered up with the national non-profit organization: The Recycling Partnership, for a new campaign called “One Simple Act”. TV20 was at the unveiling of the new program to learn more about how recycling is one simple act that can help better our community.

One Simple Act


Recognizing the link between lack of education and crime, Cleveland Municipal Court partnered with several education partners in 2006 to launch a “school not jail” initiative called Get On Track. The program targets those individuals who did not graduate high school or receive a GED, are unemployed, and are charged with traffic and or lower misdemeanor offenses. A graduation ceremony was recently held at Cuyahoga Community College’s Metropolitan Campus to celebrate the students who completed the 18 month-long program.


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from control and exploitation of young children and even adults. The most common age to become a victim is thirteen years old, and the number of children from Ohio that are becoming victimized is well into the thousands. The community Relations Board recently presented the Human Trafficking Forum, as a way to inform the public to be aware of this crime, and ways to help end it.


Cleveland people dot com is a website that works to promote and celebrate the various ethnic and cultural individuals we have in our area. The Cleveland International Hall of Fame was established in 2010 by the site to permanently recognize those who have made a long-lasting contribution to our multi-cultural city. Seven of the outstanding individuals were recently inducted in to the 2015 class at an event held at the Cleveland Marriott Hotel.


Martin Sinclair has been a part of the Department of Public Safety as the Chief Building Inspector since 2007. He recently retired and was given a proclamation for all of his years of hard work and dedication by the Honorable Mayor Frank Jackson.


May is Men’s Minority Health Month, and hundreds of men came down to Cleveland Clinic’s 13th Annual Minority Health Fair for free screenings and education. The event featured information on a variety of important topics. Experts say you do not always have to show symptoms to have a serious condition, so attending a health fair is a great first step.


The 7th Annual Nigerian Health Fair took place at the Fatima Center and brought out men and woman from in and around the community for free screenings and other important health information.


The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage announced the finalists of their Annual Stop the Hate: Youth Speak Out Essay Contest. Over three thousand students from grades six through twelve shared their thoughts on discrimination and indifference in the hopes of winning one of the grand prizes, four-year scholarships. The top ten finalists had a chance to meet with Mayor Frank Jackson and members of City Council.

Stop the hate campaign

Mayor Jackson addressing winners of the essay contest


The signing of the Polish Constitution on May 3rd, 1791 is considered the second oldest written constitution, and the first of its kind in Europe. The holiday was celebrated right here in Cleveland with a parade and some special performances. We caught up with Councilman Anthony Brancatelli outside of Seven Roses Deli in Slavic Village to find out more about the celebration.


Cinco De Mayo, which is Spanish for 5th of May, is celebrated annually in the United States and Mexico, and commemorates the victory of the Mexican Militia over the French Army at the battle of Puebla in 1862. This year a celebration was held at the City Hall Rotunda where Mayor Frank Jackson was joined by other community members for a festive day filled with culture, music, unique costumes, and more.

Mayor Jackson and Hispanic Liaison Lucy Torres


It is starting to warm up little by little and there are plenty of fun events to attend and activities to do! Make sure to visit our TV20 Blog and Bulletin Board for updates.


The Greater Cleveland Food Bank celebrated its 20th anniversary of Market at the Food Bank, a fun event that brings out thousands of Clevelanders to support the Annual Harvest for Hunger Campaign.

7:45a.m., 12:45p.m., & 6:45p.m.

The Bottom Line Up Front

News you can use with Dan Williams, the Media Relations Director from Mayor Frank Jackson’s Office of Communications.

8:00a.m., 1:00p.m., 7:00p.m., & 2:00a.m.

Community Meeting

Mayor Frank Jackson and Police Chief Calvin Williams discuss current issues happening in Cleveland.

11:00a.m., 4:00p.m., 10:00p.m., & 5:00a.m.

TV20’s Hot Topic

Today’s Topic: Public Works Commissioner, Randy Scott discusses the Waste Disposal procedures and holiday pick-ups.

11:30a.m., 5:00p.m., & 10:30p.m.

Christian’s Eye on Cleveland

Host Christian Patterson gives us an inside look at the King of the Ring Boxing Event.

4:30p.m., 11:00p.m., & 5:30a.m.

Press Conference

The First Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding, regarding community benefits and inclusion was recently signed by Mayor Frank Jackson and other city officials to help further the education of students in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

5:30p.m., & 6:30a.m

The Polka Train

Today’s Band: Fred Zwick and the International Sound Machine

11:30p.m., & 6:00a.m.

The City of Cleveland Job Board 

Showcasing job listings throughout the City of Cleveland.

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