The long awaited Wendy Park Bridge is now open to the public.
The Cleveland Metroparks opened the long awaited Wendy Park Bridge with a ribbon cutting ceremony. With its completion a safe, accessible, and quick means of crossing between Whiskey Island and the Centennial Lake Link Trail is now open to pedestrians and bicyclists alike.
“This is really more than just a celebration of this bridge. Its a celebration of more than 4 miles worth of wonderful trails. Its a celebration of people.”
Brian Zimmerman
CEO, Cleveland Metroparks
Wendy Park Bridge is apart of the $16.45 million “Re-Connecting Cleveland” federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) trails project – the now complete transportation network of 4+ miles of interconnected bike and pedestrian trails.
The Re-Connecting Cleveland project also included the recently opened Red Line Greenway, a nearly two-mile paved all-purpose trail that links the Cleveland Foundation Centennial Lake Link Trail to two RTA Red Line Rapid Transit stations, and provides six neighborhood connections from West 65th Street to downtown Cleveland.