The Nash On E.80th!

The Nash Leah


The Slovenian National Home (a.k.a The Nash) has been around since 1917 in Slavic Village. It is a beautiful, old-world social club that has a dance hall, stage and amazing 12 bowling lanes in the basement. Like most places in Cleveland during Lent, the The Nash offers a Fish Fry on Fridays, but this year it comes with live polka music and bowling!


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They even had a beer slide that you could play and enter to win tickets to the Indians Home Opener!


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You can still catch the last fish fry of the Lenten season Friday, March 29! Dinner starts at 5:30pm and goes till 8pm, $9 for adults, $5 for children (12 and under). Bowling starts at 6:30pm and goes till 10pm. Cost is just $2 for shoes and $3 per game. (First game free with purchase of dinner!)

So make sure you check out the Nash and reporter Leah Haslage’s coverage of the event all next week during our Weekly News Wrap-Up!

Slovenian National Home  3563 East 80th Street  Cleveland, Ohio  44105   216-883-2963   twitter: @thenashon80th


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