Weekly-News-Wrap-Up, October 27th, 2014

October has been full of many fun, yet important events here in Cleveland! Here’s a list of the ones that made the cut for this week!

Ebola Press Conferences

The news of possible Ebola cases landing here in Cleveland has left many on edge, but Mayor Frank Jackson, Director of Public Health, Toinette Parrilla and many others have done very well when it comes to informing the public, and have kept our minds at ease.

Toinette Parrila

*picture courtesy of reporter Leah Haslage! @ClevelandLeah*

There have been multiple Press Conferences held in regards to this, let’s start with the one held by Mayor Jackson, Toinette Parrilla and Airport Director, Ricky Smith.  The purpose was to address the revelation that a Texas woman with the Ebola virus passed through Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. The main goal was to further inform the public, answer any questions they may have, and to help relax their states of mind. Director of Public Health, Toinette Parrilla stressed the importance of knowing the facts over fiction, and touched on the City’s over-all plans.

Ebola Joint Press Conference

A joint Press Conference was held, this time by the Cleveland Department of Public Health, to give an up-date to Cleveland Residents on the Ebola scare. Representatives again stressed the value and significance of choosing facts/fear, and how to further educate yourself and loved ones in the wake of this issue. The Director of Cleveland Public Safety, Ed Eckart, was also there and touched more so on the key ways him and his team are working together to keep Clevelanders safe and healthy over-all!

EMS and Fire Awards Ceremony

The Division of Emergency Medical Service, and The Division of Fire Recognition Ceremony was held at the City Council Chambers. These brave men and women have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help keep Cleveland safe, and to make it a better City. Director of Public Safety, Michael McGrath was joined by other local officials, family, and friends to honor and praise these well-deserving local hero’s!

Division of fire

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Acting Commissioner of E-M-S, Nicole Carlton also shared her praise for these courageous individuals, and touched on the value of serving our amazing City!

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Bio-Cellar Grand Opening

Local Officials and dozens of supporters came out to the grand opening of the new Bio-Cellar, located at East 66th and Hough Avenue! Once an abandoned house, the Bio-Cellar is now part of the vineyards of Chateau Hough and will be the main facility for 3 inter-dependent micro-economic operations and will allow the extension of growing season right here in Cleveland!

Bio cellar!

2 men at the bio cellar!

This  passive greenhouse is a stunning example of how an urban renewal project can bring fresh produce to this amazing neighborhood! For more information on the vineyards and Bio-Cellar of Chateau Hough, visit their website: chateauhough.org

looking into the bio cellar!


Stephanie Tubbs Jones Art Gallery Unveiling Ceremony

Stephanie Tubbs Jones was a beloved Congresswoman of Cleveland for so many years! She has left such a legacy many of us live by and aspire too. In honor of that and in honor of her, an art gallery unveiling and dedication ceremony was held at the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Mayor Jackson was joined by other Officials to celebrate and honor this hometown legend!

stephanie tubbs jones


unveiling the gallery

Son of the late Congresswoman, Mervyn Jones, spoke on what this means to him and his family, as well as memories he will always remember and cherish of his mother and her journey.

Stephanie's Sister, Son, and Jaqueline Muhammad

To see these stories and more, make sure to stay tuned to TV20’s Weekly-News-Wrap-Up Monday-Friday at 7:00a.m, 12:00p.m. and 6:00p.m.! TV20- We are Cleveland!