Last Week On TV20 (07/09/18)

In case you missed it, here’s what aired on TV20 last week!

The Inside Sports Report

In last week’s episode of The Inside Sports Report:

  • Keybank brings the power to the people as they turned their downtown office into a voting station, allowing fans to vote for their favorite Indian’s players.
  • June 23rd marked the first global celebration of Go Hoop Day, a celebration of all things basketball. It brought together fans of the sport, young and old, to Zelma George Recreational Center for an afternoon of shooting hoops.
  • Temple Emanu El hosts their 28th annual Sports Night.

Community Spotlight: Legal Aid Society

We continued our collaboration with The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland in this weeks Community Spotlight. If you want to learn more about this episode, you can check out our previous article. 

Safety In The City: Cleveland Division of Police Award Ceremony

The City of Cleveland recognized and awarded officers who went above and beyond the call of duty, making Cleveland a better and safer city.

2018 West Park Kiwanis Independence Day Parade

If you couldn’t make this year’s Fourth of July parade, TV20 has you covered! We have the parade in it’s entirety up on our Youtube channel.

TV20 Classic Sports: 1989 PAL League Football Championship

Enjoy a blast from the past with last weeks episode of TV20 Classic Sports, featuring the Bears Vs. The 49ers.

Horror Hotel

TV20 welcomed Horror Hotel as their brand new late night movie show!

TV20 News

In last week’s TV20 News:

  • The City of Cleveland recognizes officers for their service.
  • City officials come together at Forrest Hills Community Pool to discuss the Safe Summer Program.
  • The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame offers free admission to Cleveland residents.
  • Mayor Frank Jackson commemorates a new University Circle park to Cleveland resident Virginia Havens.
  • The Rainey Institute begins its summer camp for Cleveland youth.
  • Daisy’s Ice Cream reopens in the Slavic Village neighborhood.
  • Local Cleveland McDonald’s franchisees commemorate the launch of their book: “More Than Burgers and Fries.”
  • A Cleveland high school student discusses how she began her headband startup.
  • TV20 heads to Scene Magazine’s “Best of Cleveland” party.
  • More than $100,000 in scholarships were awarded at the Fiesta of Hope celebration.